We have extensive experience over the past 25 years of involvement with the management of a diverse range of habitats throughout Shropshire, Staffordshire, Cheshire, the Midlands region and beyond for a large number of satisfied local authority and national agency clients.

Please click on the images for an expanded view

Wetland willow clearance

Scrub clearance with clearing saws

Stump treatment - Churnet Valley SSSI

Installation of plastic pile core dams to control site hydrology on lowland peat bog

Sundews and Cotton-grasses on restored schwingmoor habitat - Staffordshire

Restoration of lowland peat bog within the Delamere meres and mosses complex - Cheshire

Mulch mowing of dense bramble and hawthorn on species rich grassland - Northwich, Cheshire

Timber extracted from wetland clearance - Staffordshire

Cotton-grass on lowland peat bog

Tree/scrub clearance and stump treatment

Large scale clear felling and timber extraction from afforested lowland peat bog - Staffordshire/Shropshire border

Willow pollarding on wetland SSSI in Staffordshire

Control of Bracken, tree and scrub encroachment on lowland heath - Staffordshire

Timber extraction from lowland peat bog

Large scale Willow encroachment removal from pool margins on wet heath habitat - Shropshire

Cotton-grasses on restored lowland peat bog